Appearance ========== Theme Manager ------------- The theme manager is a simple external application, which is included with the `installer `_ on Windows and `buildable `_ on Unix, that helps install themes. The themes are distributed as :file:`.hct` files. These are just simply ZIP archives that you can extract manually and install into your `config folder `_. Some themes can be found `here `_. .. image:: :align: center .. NOTE:: .NET 4 is required to run the theme manager; You can download it `here `_ Theming ------- Colors ~~~~~~ Colors are defined in :menuselection:`Settings --> Preferences --> Colors`. Text Colors set the palette for events to use. The rest like background color directly affect parts of the UI. `mIRC `_ colors (0-15) are what you refer to when sending colored text over IRC for others to see and vice versa, because of this they should somewhat follow a set of standards so clients can agree 4 is red. Local colors (16-31) are to be used by HexChat only and can be anything you wish, these are typically what you use in your `events `_. Text Events ~~~~~~~~~~~ Text events control the look of every event you see. They can be customized in :menuselection:`Settings --> Text Events` using these codes to format it: - **%C,** Color code - **%U** Underlined text - **%B** Bold text - **%H** Hide text - **%O** Normal text - **$t** Text separator - **$** Event information .. NOTE:: Always hit enter after editing a field. Icons ~~~~~ HexChat comes with built in icons for the tray, user list, and channel tree (which can be disabled in Preferences). You can use `custom icons `_ by placing icons (16x16 recommended) in an :file:`icons` subdir, which may need to be created, within your `config folder `_. The icons must be named as follows: - User List - ulist_netop.png - ulist_founder.png - ulist_owner.png - ulist_op.png - ulist_halfop.png - ulist_voice.png - Channel Tree - tree_channel.png - tree_dialog.png - tree_server.png - tree_util.png - Tray Icon - tray_fileoffer.png - tray_highlight.png - tray_message.png - hexchat.png Gtk Theme ~~~~~~~~~ To customize more than just text color you can place a *gtkrc* file in *\\etc\\gtk-2.0* Buttons, Menus, and Popups -------------------------- Userlist Popup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Popups are shown when you right click on a nickname, either in the userlist or in the main chat itself. These can be edited in :menuselection:`Settings --> Userlist Popup` The Name column can take either just the name of the entry (_ characters represent keyboard shortcuts), *SUB*/*ENDSUB* for submenus, *SEP* for separators, and *TOGGLE* for toggleable options. The Command column can take any `command `_ with text formatted using the same codes as `text events `_ and on top of that they also have their own codes: - **%a** all selected nicks - **%c** current channel - **%h** selected nick's hostname - **%m** machine info - **%n** your nickname - **%s** selected nickname - **%t** time/date - **%u** selected nick's account (2.9.6+) As a sidenote the **gui_ulist_doubleclick** setting can run a command using these codes when double-clicking a nick in the userlist. Userlist Buttons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buttons are shown below the userlist, can be edited in :menuselection:`Settings --> Userlist Buttons`, and take the same syntax as `Userlist Popup `_ for commands. Usermenu ~~~~~~~~ In order to add custom entries to your menu you need to first enable the usermenu with the command :command:`/set gui_usermenu on` which may require a restart. Once this is enabled you can go to :menuselection:`Usermenu --> Edit this Menu` to add any `command `_ you would like. For menu entries it supports the same as `Userlist Popups `_.